Firearm Safety

How It Works - Firearm Inventory Software

Discover FAS Report’s advanced firearm inventory software, designed to ensure safety, accountability, and efficiency with secure access controls and detailed reporting for all firearm owners and organisations.

QR Code Scanning System

Our firearm inventory software includes a QR code scanning system that automates the process of managing recurring firearms. Save time by securely storing them in designated safes, ensuring accurate management and easy access.

Manage Own Safes

With our firearm inventory software, you can easily manage your own safes. Automate the check-in and check-out of firearms, streamlining your inventory process and reducing the risk of misplacement.

Manage Firearms Easier

Our firearm inventory software simplifies the management of your firearms. Automate recurring tasks and ensure that all firearms are properly accounted for and securely stored.

Manage Documents

Our firearm inventory software allows you to snap and categorise receipts and important documents in seconds. Link these documents directly to your firearm inventory for easy reference and compliance.

Streamline Management

Ensure the security of your firearms with our firearm inventory software by using designated safes. This helps eliminate the risk of misplacing firearms by providing clear management tools.

Comprehensive Reporting

Get comprehensive reports for every firearm in your inventory with our firearm inventory software. Monitor their status to enhance safety and accountability.

Firearm Inventory Software - Your Safety with FAS Report

FAS Report’s firearm inventory software is designed to provide a comprehensive solution for managing your firearms efficiently and securely. Our advanced features ensure that you can maintain complete control over your inventory, making firearm management easier and more reliable.

firearm inventory software

Upload Your Required Documents - Firearm Inventory Software


Ensure the security and proper management of your firearms by adding them to our secure system. Keep track of all firearms in a safe and organised manner.

Upload Your Required Documents

Easily upload and manage all necessary documents related to your firearms. Our system ensures that all documentation is securely stored and easily accessible when needed.

Shooting with Confidence - Firearm Inventory Software

Each feature is designed to bring you the safety you deserve. That’s why millions of people have changed their lives with our secure inventory software.

Firearm Inventory Software - HELP CENTER

Frequently Asked Questions - Firearm Inventory Software

Firearm inventory software is a digital solution designed to help firearm owners and organisations manage their firearms efficiently. It provides features such as QR code scanning, secure access control, and comprehensive reporting to ensure safety, accountability, and streamlined management of firearms.

Our QR code scanning system automates the process of managing firearms, ensuring accurate check-in and check-out procedures and reducing the risk of misplacement.

Yes, our firearm inventory software ensures that all documents related to your firearms are securely stored and easily accessible, helping you stay compliant with regulatory requirements.

Our software uses advanced security features such as encryption and secure access controls to protect your firearms and sensitive information, enhancing the overall security of your firearm inventory.

Using firearm inventory software simplifies the management of your firearms by automating routine tasks, providing comprehensive reporting, and ensuring the security and accountability of your firearms.

What Our Customer says

Leslie Alexander
Leslie AlexanderBusiness owner
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OMG! I cannot believe that I have got a brand new landing page after getting @Omega…
Brooklyn Simmons
Brooklyn SimmonsPoliceman
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OMG! I cannot believe that I have got a brand new landing page after getting @Omega…
Kristin Watson
Kristin WatsonCEO at Creativex
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Dianne Russell
Dianne RussellPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Courtney Henry
Courtney HenryPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Arlene McCoy
Arlene McCoyBusiness owner
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus.
Jane Cooper
Jane CooperPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Savannah Nguyen
Savannah NguyenPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus.
Leslie Alexander
Leslie AlexanderBusiness owner
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OMG! I cannot believe that I have got a brand new landing page after getting @Omega…
Brooklyn Simmons
Brooklyn SimmonsPoliceman
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OMG! I cannot believe that I have got a brand new landing page after getting @Omega…
Kristin Watson
Kristin WatsonCEO at Creativex
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Dianne Russell
Dianne RussellPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Courtney Henry
Courtney HenryPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Arlene McCoy
Arlene McCoyBusiness owner
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus.
Jane Cooper
Jane CooperPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus, ut mi interdum.
Savannah Nguyen
Savannah NguyenPoliceman
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Auctor enim mauris sagittis, sed tempus.